

This is our great adventure: to re-conquer communication.

Sidièse is a hub of ideas, of talented individuals, of initiatives. And we exploit this hub in our communication strategies to reconnect the essential to the useful, the useful to the enjoyable.

The adventure of sincerity

It’s the story, beautiful but true, of Sidièse, our communication agency. We saw the industry progressively losing its effectiveness; we noticed that people stopped listening to the messages from corporations and institutions... but we decided not to give up!

Today, when the very common reaction pops out ‘it’s just public relations!’, it means that nobody believes. Communication has becoming the opposite of its academic definition. And when a word also means its contrary, it’s not a very good sign. It is time for communications to re-invent itself. It’s time to find new ways of talking and sharing. And that is our job: it is our responsibility. It’s the greatest adventure ever offered to us.

So, we have regrouped, started from scratch and founded our organisation on one (often unusual) pillar: sincerity. From this and in-depth scientific readings (in sociology mainly), we have started thinking on what makes society a Society? We’ve come up with new keys for thinking and we wish to re-connect with our stakeholders and all of our publics. We talked to our clients, to our prospects, and they have encouraged us! And then they asked us to work on their own approach, to implement it in our creative, in our ways of working on a daily basis.

So there you go: we are the children of a century during which communications only had to make promises through the mass media, to people who were open and willing to listen… but no more. Sidièse was born in 1999, perhaps symbolising the need to change, to take chances, to innovate. Today, that’s it. We know where to go, where others may find it difficult, and where traditional communication hasn’t worked. For this, we think 360 degrees: B2B, B2C, internal, external, new media, print, event, video, and so on. We are committed to asking the questions of sincerity to everyone. Sincerity makes more robust messages, less exposed to attacks, and therefore more valuable.
